Credit Application

Company Information

Business Profile

Organization Type *

Accounts Payable Information

Purchasing Information

Tax Information

Will Your Purchases Be Taxable? *

Bank Information

Trade Credit References

Indicate anticipated monthly purchases from Genuine Cable Group, LLC

Business Credit Terms

Individual(s) and/or business named above (the “Applicant”) applies for credit with Genuine Cable Group, LLC, (the “Creditor”). Applicant authorizes Creditor to make any and all inquiries necessary for action on this credit application. Sole Proprietors/Partners hereby consent to the use of non-business consumer credit reports. Applicant’s signature attests financial responsibility, ability and willingness to pay Creditor invoices in accordance with the terms stated on each invoice. It is agreed and understood that the Applicant will be responsible to notify the Creditor if there are any changes in the Applicant’s ability to pay. Directing us to start work or order materials on Applicant’s behalf constitutes an acceptance of our Terms and Conditions, and those shall always be the governing terms. Terms on a subsequent purchase order that differ from Creditor’s terms will not be valid. The undersigned individual certifies that he/she is authorized to complete the application on behalf of the Applicant and Applicant agrees to be bound by all the terms and conditions contained in this application. A late payment charge equal to the maximum amount by state law, not to exceed 1.5% per month may be imposed on delinquent invoices. In the event the account becomes delinquent, the Applicant waives the right to a jury trial and agrees to pay all collection costs and fees, including reasonable attorney’s fees. Venue and jurisdiction of any legal action may lie either in the county and state of the Creditor’s nearest branch office or the county of Creditor’s corporate office at the sole option of the Creditor. Applicant certifies that the above information provided is true and accurate to the best of their knowledge and further agrees that a facsimile transmission of this Application to Creditor shall be as binding as that of an original signature.
