Inventory Management

Efficiently managing inventory is crucial to sustaining business operations which directly impacts your profitability. Handling long material lead times and maintaining inventory levels can be time-consuming and cost you money. We can help reduce inventory risks and costs associated with obsolete, excess and scrap inventory by offering customized solutions to solve your business challenges. GCG can handle a variety of services throughout nationwide locations to assist you with your inventory. Our facilities provide cable management, customer-owned inventory and site kitting coupled with just-in-time delivery to the job. 

Our auto-replenishment programs and remote inventory management software help assist our customers to deliver products for each installation project. We provide manual replenishment and consignment as we understand our customers do business differently.

GCG can handle a variety of services throughout nationwide locations to assist you with your inventory. Our facilities provide cable management, customer-owned inventory and site kitting coupled with just-in-time delivery to the job. 

Employee spooling cable

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