12-212-32 Superior Essex Category 3 PVC Beige, Riser-Rated
MFR #:1A0243TM1
GCG #:1A0243TM1
MFR #:1A0243TM1
GCG #:1A0243TM1
Min Qty:1
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Superior Essex CELFIL Cable with foam skin insulation is a single jacketed design for use in duct or direct burial installations.
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Superior Essex CELFIL Cable with foam skin insulation is a single jacketed design for use in duct or direct burial installations.
- Attributes
- Features
General Information
BrandSeries 1AM
ManufacturerSuperior Essex
PackagingWooden Reel
Product CategoryOSP Copper
Design & Construction
Cable ConfigurationStranded Loose Tube
Water BlockPFM Gel
- Available with up to 120-fiber
- Multiple fiber types including composites
- Dry (SAP) core standard
- Corrugated steel armor
- Utilizes standard pole attachment hardware
- PFM gel